Milonguera, if the shoe fits, wear it.
During tango classes, women often ask about the use of shoes.
A RECURRING question is what is the right height for the heel. High heels favor the female cadence. Using high heels generates in the woman a more unstable balance, which makes the man’s proposal easier. But the higher the heel, the greater the need for control of the hip, to be able to flow in the dance.
Using techniques to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles helps to improve the control of this necessary instability. In a dance style with figures, where it is required that each one of the dancers is in control of their own balance, problems can arise if there is not enough technical ability. On the other hand, when dancing “apilado” tango style it is possible that the problems of wearing very high heels disappear, since the axis and the weight of the couple’s bodies are shared and mutually support each other.
On the other hand, the level of the curvature of the arch of the feet impacts in the comfort or discomfort in the use of heels. An instep with not much of an arch will force the angle of the hip forward and more control will be required to remain erect on very high heels. Persons with a very arched instep, on the other hand, might not have a problem doing it, which does not mean that they don’t still need control of the muscles of the perineum to resolve with ease the link between movements.
At the start, it is recommended to use lower heels since in this case the axis of the body has less oscillation and, consequently, the student will have less difficulties to surmount. The best is to increase the height of the heels as one begins to feel more comfortable.
Another question is: Should or shouldn’t the heels rest on the floor sometimes while dancing? There are no fixed rules in tango as it is a popular dance; therefore, it is a personal election. In my case, I prefer to rest the heels when possible, both to rest my legs and to use dynamic nuances of tension and relaxation. Maintaining the heels separated from the floor at all times requires certain continuous muscular force and this translates to lack of flexibility if the required control is not present. Also, resting the heels could make the control of the hip we talked about previously easier and give the feeling of a more “grounded” dance. •
• At the start, it is recommended to use lower heels. •
• Use techniques to fortify the muscles of the pelvic floor. •
• Each woman has the choice to rest the heels on the floor
or not, according to what is more convenient for her. •
Очень интересная статья Милены Плебс в Тангуате о том, какая высота каблука правильная, я не хочу танцевать». Милена Плебс
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